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Outdoor Library Day!

Quilt of Library Books

We know that our Guild’s library is a unique and valuable quilting resource. With over 400 books and tools we have at least one book on almost every quilting topic including fabric choice, blocks, applique, cutting, sewing, quilting, binding, and quilting gifts. Quilts, wall hangings, table runners, placemats, and seasonal/holiday quilting patterns for Christmas, Halloween, Easter …… the list goes on.

In order to make our library available to members during these unusual times, your Library team has decided to offer an “outdoor library day” so members can pick up new books and return books they have had since February.

On Wednesday, August 26 our Guild library will be open from 2 pm – 4 pm at the Lions Club parking lot. (Great chance to say hi to all the friends you haven’t seen for months!) In case of rain, we will postpone to Thursday, August 27.

All our books and tools will be available for members to see and check out. Before the 25thAug I will call or email members to remind you of the books/tools that you have checked out and need to return.

Some of the guidelines for our library day:

  1. Please wear a mask and respect social distancing.

  2. Hand sanitizer will be available.

  3. If you need a book on a specific topic, you can choose it ahead of time by going to our website and looking through our on-line library, or drop me an email and I will help you.

  4. Please return your books/tools in the bin that will be marked “Returns”.

  5. The Lions Club building will not be available for use.

Moira (new librarian), Judy P and I would like to encourage everyone to take advantage of all the wonderful books and tools we have in the Guild library. If you need inspiration, want to learn a new technique, or simply read up on a special technique, – – – it is in our library.

Hope to see you on the 26th!

Marilyn Lockyer

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