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A Diverse October Show & Tell

Members showed their diversity in sewing this month at our October guild meeting---from quilted jackets, to zipper bags, to wall hangings -- and of course quilts!

Vicki Hough-wallhanging

Vicki Hough-wallhanging

Joan Hunter - charity quilt

Jane Burke - Quilted Coat

Grier Rennie-king quilt

Marlene Spruyt-Bird Houses

May Walton - Cathedral Windows

Kim Sherry- wall hanging

Kathy Smallwood and Glenna Churchill with workshop bags

Catherine Illingworth-Tula Pink -City Sampler

Carol Darou - Quilted Jacket

Heather Buchan-crib quilts

Catherine Illingworth-Pieced at Retreat-front (left), back (right)

Catherine Illingworth- Mitred Log Cabin

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