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Guild Challenge 2017 – 2018

The Guild Challenge for this year is called Play Full Deck Fun.  Create an interpretative quilt based on a card from a playing deck.  Pick a card, any card, and let your imagination run wild.  There will be four categories: 1. Functional Quilt (max. size 50″ X 65″ lap/throw), 2. Newbie Quilt (less than two years quilting, max. size 50″ X 65″), 3. Art Quilt (max. size 50″ X 65″), 4.  Objects d’Art (doll, puppet, mannequin, handbag, apparel, home décor, etc.).  There will be a Viewer’s Choice in each Category.  Everything is due at the May General Meeting in 2018. C

Read all about–  LCQG Quilt Challenge 2017-18

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