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It’s “QT” Time!


Our annual “Quilt Time” is fast approaching!

Wednesday, Dec 5, at the Perth Lions Hall . The fun starts at 10am and goes until 3pm. Bring hand sewing, knitting or any project you would like to work on while enjoying the company of old and new friends in the guild.


  1. Wear your name tag

  2. Bring a mug for morning coffee or tea

  3. Bring a wrapped placemat : make one, buy one recycle one

  4. Bring a secret Santa gift in the theme of ” I made that”

  5. Bring your sense of humour and a desire to have fun

See you there! (And if you haven’t paid yet, please contact Linda ASAP!)


Join fellow guild members for our annual Quilt Time or “QT” as we like to call it. It’s a great day for socializing, sewing, knitting and getting to know each other better.

The 2018 QT will be held Wednesday, Dec 5, 10 am. to 3 pm. at the Lion’s Hall.

There will be games, gifts and a special event to keep everyone entertained. If you want to participate in the SECRET gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift in line with this year’s theme, which is “I MADE THAT!” It’s a chance to showcase your talents – whether it be woodworking, jewelry making, pottery, hats, bags, pickles or jams, for example. (Just remember, do not include your name!)

New for this year, and in the spirit of giving, we are asking EVERYONE to please bring a placemat of the season. Just ONE, and make sure it is wrapped. Again, you can make one, buy one, or bring one you already have. But you will not be getting it back, so don’t bring one of your set of 4!

Then, show your wrapped placemat on entering the hall to receive a DRAW TICKET for the GIFT BASKET! (What is happening with the placemats? Another SURPRISE!)

Please sign up as soon as possible so we can place food orders. Dinner options are lasagna $15 and turkey dinner $20. Vegetarian and gluten free lasagna is also available.

See Linda at the program table to register. Questions: Email Linda

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Lanark County Quilters Guild

We're a non-profit group open to anyone interested in quilts and quilt making. We promote learning, and sharing, and support our local community.


Mailing address:

P.O. Box 20101
Perth, ON K7H 3M6

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@2024, Lanark County Quilters Guild

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