Our Stash Sale was a huge success. We had over 100 people in attendance, I certainly hope everyone had a great time selling and buying. I know I did. We did not have a Trunk Show this month, we were way too busy with fabric and quilt books and lots of visiting. Our QT in December 2015 was a lot of fun and lots of prizes and a game was played before you could open your prize. Planning for our Fall Sale & Luncheon in November 2016 has begun. We need so many items for this year’s sale that there will be prizes for donations. Bring in an item each month and your name goes into a draw. Bring in more, more times in the draw. We have positions to fill for next year –Vice President, Treasurer, Library, Photographer, and Program. Your guild is what you make it, Volunteer! Outreach is excited for the In-town Retreat to put together the Charity Quilt on Feb. 12, 13, & 14. Come and help out! Let’s get this put together! Block of the Month offered a block with partial seaming, what fun! C.
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