Ladies have been busy, a lot of wonderful projects

Bev Cooper-Aves Pattern from Australia

Donna Farrow April BOM

Madeleine Hollingsworth BOM Cathy Price quilted by Carol Darou

Donna Farrow Ombre Flowers

Elaine Hook French Twist

Elaine Hook Field Trials

Lois McLean – Curves

Lois McLean Curves

Lois MacLean – Quilted by Alexis Montageau

Sheila Gibson Table Runner

Sheila Gibson Table Centre

Bev Cooper Water Lilies

Bev Cooper l: Close Up, Water Lilies

Marlene Spruyl: UFO, Quilted by herself

Lois McLean: Valerie Miller Workshop UFO

Lois McLean: Mondo Bag

Marlene Starkman: Baby Quilt

Marlene Starkman: Baby Quilt Back

Shelley Moore: Guild Block

Cathy Price Guild Block

Carol Darou: Guild Block

Joy Price: Guild Block

Bev Davidge: Guild block

Bev Davidge Quilt for Poppys Birthday

Cathy Price Workshop with Melissa Marginet

Cathy Price Workshop Melissa Margine

Marlene Spruyt Cats

Sheila Gibson Krista Moser pattern