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October Show & Tell

Alexis Mongeau: The Mexican Star Dance, finished in March, 2020.

Dee O’Connor: Indigo dyed, pieced and machine quilted. Inspired by the story “The little ghost who was a quilt”. Made for my 2 1/2 year old grandson

Lois MacLean: This is a cushion I made using the Elizabeth Hartman pattern. It’s called Lisa the Unicorn. It was quilted by Bonnie Leclair

Lois MacLean: This fairy is the result of taking Cathy Prices collage workshop.

Lois MacLean: The centre blocks of this quilt are called squared stripes. The outside borders are my own creation.

Cathy Price: Here are the cosmetic bags I made that will be picked up for donation, by request of Marilyn Lockyer. I love my fabric.

Evelyn Michaud: Snowflake Quilt. I liked the pattern and the contrast of colors. I had to iron some pieces differently to be able to have all the points at the right place

Evelyn Michaud: Hunting Star Placemats. Here again I ironed some pieces differently and was able to n’est every seam. Below is a new pattern I tried and like it very much. With the left over pieces from the placemats I was able to make a table center.

Janice Tulloch: Tired of baby quilts that are outgrown too quickly I decided to do this instead. Pattern is Dawn Star by Jennifer Sampou. Quilting is by Jan at the Pickeldish ( a big thank you). And yes,it was healthy boy

Joyce Kirkham: This is called the Rock Candy Party of the Journey 2 Nebula Workshops; so happy with my results.

Joyce Kirkham: This quilt is for my granddaughter Charlotte for Christmas

Joyce Kirkham: This quilt I did two for my grandsons they go camping every summer should keep them cozy by the campfire

Lori Douglas: Title: The Many Seasons of Mr K I made this quilt from almost 17 years of neck scarves that my dog came home from the groomer wearing. Mr K passed in April 2019. It was pieced and hand quilted by myself and was finished spring 2020.

Sandra Blair: This quilt was made for my niece’s baby. It is from Perth Fabrics. Pieced by myself (Sandra Blair) and quilted by myself on the long arm at Sew Crafty

Sandra Blair: This quilt was made for my granddaughter who is due December 18th. It came from Perth fabrics and was quilted by me on my new long arm. I made an identical one for my best friend’s granddaughter who is due to arrive December 4th

Valerie Langille: Quilt is called Geisha’s Dance and I finished this one for me.

Lorraine Garneau: Irish Chain on Point–quilting done in “Celtic Knots” Gift for my Sister’s 75th Birthday.

Lorraine Garneau: Butterflies–quilting done in “Pansies & Butterflies” Gift for a special friend.

Lorraine Garneau: Star quilt–for me. Long arm quilting done by Lynn Long in Westport

Shelly Moore: Pinwheel Baskets from a Fons and Porter magazine

Shelley Moore: Wise and Colourful Owl, by Gray Sky Studio

Shelley Moore: Rambling Ways by Sharon Keightley and all of the appliqués for this quilt came from this panel!

Stephanie Everitt. This quilt took almost 2 years to complete, working on it between other projects. A few of us did this pattern; they are all slightly different, most have elongated petals but I decided to make my flowers of hexagons.

Glenna Churchill: This COVID Sunshine quilt is a point on point quilt made and quilted by myself.

Glenna Churchill: Missouri Star binding tool quilt made for niece who graduated as a nurse.

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