Our January General Meeting was on Zoom, not ideal, but winter prevents a lot of members from traveling. We had about 65 of our members in attendance, which is great. The QOTT 2025 Committee reported that plans are well under way, but lots of volunteers will be needed to make the dream work. They are needed to help hang the quilts on the Wednesday and Thursday, and to help take everything down on Saturday after the Show closes. It looks like Registration has lots of volunteers, but I'm sure others would not be turned away, especially on Saturday at 5pm, to sort the quilts coming down. And volunteers will be needed during the Show. Consider signing up for a couple of hours or more. All hands on deck, so to speak.
Our Shop of the Month tonight was Penny Spool Quilts of www.pennyspoolquilts.com, who showed us all kinds of instant download pdfs of blocks and quilt patterns. That's much quicker than waiting for the mail.
Our speaker tonight was Brandy Maslowski, of Quilter on Fire, at www.quilteronfire.com . Lots of information on how to organize your sewing space to suit you, and lots to learn from her. Check her out on YouTube and she has a Podcast as well. See you next month, Cathy.

My mother designed and appliqued this 12" x 12" block for a challenge at the Rouge Valley guild when she first joined around 27 years ago. It won first prize!
She had no idea how to quilt it and it has been a UFO since then. I machine quilted it and added the borders and binding. It now hangs in her room in her long term care home.
This is the first of the UFOs that I plan to finish this year, finally. Some are my mother's and some are mine.
Gwen DaCosta
Some recent quilts done by Gwen with the help of Rosalie at Sew Crafty

"Jack's Favorite Ties"
Wall hanging (39" x 39")
Made for a friend with some of her late husband's ties.

This is a Mystery quilt that was done with Melissa Marginet.

This quilt was done using plaid flannel squares from my mothers stash.
Both were quilted by me with walking foot and both are destined for Quilts for Survivors.

I made this child’s quilt for a baby shower for my daughter’s neighbour. The family has a calico cat and black dog (the first row), they have blue jays and rabbits in their yard (second row) and their neighbour, my daughter, has two Goldens (last row).
The block centres are all paper pieced. They wanted a non-gender specific colour scheme. It was the hit of the baby shower.
