UPDATE: Our Christmas Sale is just around the corner! We’ve been collecting fantastic handmade items donated from members for the past year and have a great variety for sale. These will make wonderful gifts for family and friends!
Come early to get the best selection and enjoy a healthy and home made lunch!
Yes we know it’s early to be talking about Christmas 2019 when we are just approaching Christmas 2018, but this is our bi-annual Christmas Sale we are talking about!
Save the date: November 09, 2019. It will be held at the Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church, Perth from 11am to 3pm.
Donations of articles will be accepted starting January 2019 — top sellers are placemats, oven mitts, aprons, mug cozies, cosmetic bags, baby bibs, small quilts, receiving blankets…the field is wide open.
Bring donations and receive a draw ticket and every meeting you will have a chance to win a thank you gift.
Questions? Find Linda.